Village Clerk / Treasurer

About the Village Clerk / Treasurer

The office of the Village Clerk/Treasurer is located in Village Hall, 40 New Main Street, Haverstraw, NY 10927.  Hours of operation Monday through Friday 9:00 am – 5:00 pm.

The Clerk/Treasurer serves as the Chief Fiscal Officer of the Village and is responsible for the oversite of all revenue, expenditures and investments of the Village, maintenance of accounts in compliance with the Office of the New York State Comptroller and generally accepted accounting principles, debt management, the filing of required New York State financial reporting and the administration of Village payroll and benefits.  In addition, the Clerk/Treasurer serves as Receiver of Taxes, collecting and processing the annual property taxes of the Village.  (For tax and assessment information click here {link to Assessor}

Duties of the Clerk also include maintaining custody of the Village books, papers, and records, filing of local laws with NYS, preparing and preserving Board minutes, local laws and resolutions as well as serving as the Records Access Officer and providing access to Village records as required through the Freedom of Information Law.

Budget for 2024-2025

The Clerk/Treasurer’s Office provides the following services to the public:

The Village Clerk/Treasurer acts as a liaison between our citizens and the Village Board of Trustees.  Complaints, comments, and suggestions to the Village Board can be filed through the Clerk/Treasurer via telephone, regular mail or email.

Clerk/Treasurer Staff:

Village Clerk – Isabel Gonzalez Soto

Deputy Village Clerk/Treasurer – Elaine A. Fernandez

Treasurer – Alicia Boudreau

Accounts Payable – Rolanda Sand

Front Desk – Brianna Gerace