NOTICE IS HEREBY given that a Public Hearing has been scheduled for September 6, 2022, by the Village Board of the Village of Haverstraw, 40 New Main Street, Haverstraw, NY 10927 commencing at 7:05 p.m. or as soon thereafter as the matter can be heard, on a Local Law amending the “Zoning Ordinance of the Village of Haverstraw,” Chapter 245 of Village Code, as more particularly set forth in a petition by Jose A. Vargas to the Village of Haverstraw Board of Trustees entitled “Petition for amendment to Village of Haverstraw Zoning Code and Zoning Map,” but summarized as follows:
- Zoning text amendments to create an MF-1 Zoning District with a Table of General Use Regulations identical in all respects to the R-2 District Table of General Use Regulations except permitting multifamily residences subject to a new use group “O.”
- Zoning text amendments to add a new note to the Table of Bulk Requirements to read as follows: “When parking is located below-grade, the applicant may obtain a density bonus permitting a minimum lot area of 1,000 square feet per dwelling unit.
- Zoning text amendments adding a new use group “O” to the Table of Bulk Requirements as follows:
- Minimum lot size of 20,000 square feet.
- Minimum lot size per bedroom of 1,250 square feet per efficiency; 1,500 square feet per one-bedroom; 2,000 square feet per two-bedroom; and 2,500 square feet per three-bedroom.
- Minimum lot width of 90 feet.
- Minimum required front yard depth of 30 feet.
- Minimum required side yard width of 15 feet for one yard and 30 feet for both yards.
- Minimum required rear yard depth of 25 feet.
- Maximum height of 5 stories and 65 feet.
- Maximum development covers of 60%.
- Changing the zoning designation on the Village of Haverstraw Zoning Map of the lots designated on the Rockland County Tax Map as Section 26.50, Block 1, Lots 4 and 5 located west of Dowd Street and north of Brems Place, and Lots 6.1 and 6.2 located south of Brems Place and containing the existing Hudson Pines Condominium and the existing Hudson Harborview Condominium from R-2 to MF-1.
- Removing the same lots from the MPO Mountain Protection Overlay District.
The Village Board will hear at said time and place all persons in support of this matter and any objections thereto. Interested parties may appear in person, by agent or by representative. The proposed petition with a map of the proposed overlay location will be available for inspection and review at the Haverstraw Village Clerk’s Office at Haverstraw Village Hall during normal working hours, Monday through Thursday 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM and Friday, 8:00 am to 5:00 pm.
Dated: August 15, 2022
By: Carmelina PalumboVillage Clerk/Treasurer