Program Details
Managing Emotions/DBT – Group counseling is done with a group of individuals who are experiencing similar issues. One of the groups currently available is the Managing Emotions/DBT group for youth ages 14-17 who want to learn how to deal with troubling emotions such as anxiety, stress, and depression. The group is based on a 5-session curriculum, and may be used alone or may be a way for young people to prepare for one-to-one and/or family counseling.
Girls’Lifeskills/Club – Meeting during the school year, these weekly groups serve girls in Grades 4-6, and 7-8. The purpose is to encourage the development of strength, courage, confidence, honesty, and communication skills for girls. The goal is to enhance girls’ abilities so they are able to take full advantage of their talents, academic interests, career pursuits, and the potential for healthy relationships.
Boys’ Lifeskills/Boy’s Clubs – These promising programs have proven to be effective in preventing problem behaviors in young men (truancy, delinquency, drug use, violence). The mission of the Boys Lifeskills/Club is to empower young men between the ages of 8 thru 14 to learn and incorporate coping skills while dealing with stressful situations through various activities and become productive members of society. The program meets weekly during the school year and serves boys aged 8-10 and boys aged 11-14.
Project Shift – A program focused on creating positive behavior changes in at-risk youth, especially for repeat offenders that appear before the local municipal courts on mostly minor charges, such as unlawful possession of marijuana (UPM) and criminal mischief or misconduct. This program was initiated by discussions between Judge Grant and the Haverstraw Center after Judge Grant observed the same people consistently appearing before him for the same crimes and seeing a need to maybe do something different with them, including counseling and case management. The program accepts referrals from a variety of sources (probation, school and parent referrals, self-referral), and has expanded to three courtrooms in the North Rockland area that includes the Town of Haverstraw Justice Court with Judge Grant, the Village of West Haverstraw with Judge Russo and the Village of Haverstraw with Judge DeCaprio. These courts as well as the Youth Courts in both the Town of Haverstraw and Stony Point serve as constant sources of referrals.