Census 2020 is here!


According to the United States Census Bureau, the population clock for the United States is 330,231,835 and 7,621,451,850 in the world.

It is important to be involved in the Census survey this year. By answering the survey you would be helping collect local, county, state, and US data.

“Census results help determine how billions of dollars in federal funding flow into states and communities each year. The results determine how many seats in congress each state gets.”

-The United States Census

For the first time, in 2020 the U.S. Census Bureau will accept responses online. The process will be quick and secure. You can
respond to the census in less time than it takes to finish your morning coffee. You’ll still be able to respond by mail.What matters to you? Schools? Transportation? Hospitals? Data from the @uscensusbureau help inform planning efforts for all these important community resources.

To learn more about what to expect, visit 2020census.gov.