Building Department

About the Building Department

Ruben Berrios, CCI – Building/Fire Inspector
Gisbeth Ramos – Administrative Assistant

Ph: 845-429-0300
Fax: 845-429-1739

Department Hours

9:00 am – 5:00 pm Mon-Thu
9:00 am – 7:30 pm 1st Thursday of each month
8:00 am – 5:00 pm Every Friday

Visit the Building Department when planning any construction and/or development in the Village. We ensure proper compliance of both NYS and local building code and zoning. All paperwork for the Village Planning, Zoning, and Architectural Review Board is also handled through this department.

Click here to see Planning Board Minutes

Click here to see Zoning Board Minutes

Click here to see ARB Minutes

We are here to serve the Village residents. Please call with all your building department needs.

Questions and Answers

  1. (Q) Is a permit required for a pool?
    (A) A permit is required for any type of pool over 18 inches in height and a survey is required. Other requirements must also be met.
  2. (Q) Is a building permit required for construction in the Village of Haverstraw?
    (A) A building permit is required for any construction, reconstruction, demolition, roofing, and installation of any wood burning stove, fire places and pellet stoves. A permit is good for (6) six months and can be renewed 3 times prior to expiration.
  3. (Q) Can a homeowner perform work on their own home?
    (A) A homeowner can perform work on their own house. However, there are limitations on electrical and plumbing. The homeowner will have to check with the County of Rockland to see what degree of work can be done by homeowner and what other limitations and/or requirements there may be.
  4. (Q) What is required to build a deck?
    (A) A building permit is required, a survey and plans are also required.  Setbacks have to be met as required by our bulk table.  A sample deck plan is offered for homeowners building a deck.
  5. (Q) Is a permit required for a shed and what are the requirements?
    (A) A permit is required for a shed.  A survey is required and need to comply with bulk requirements for an accessory building which is 2/3 of height off property line not to exceed 12’ in height.  Sizes of sheds are determined by lot coverage.
  6. (Q) Does the Village of Haverstraw have a Planning, Zoning or Architectural Review Board? If so, what are their functions?
    (A)The Village of Haverstraw has all three boards.

    • The Planning Board’s function is developing and maintaining a comprehensive land use for the Village of Haverstraw.
    • The Zoning Board of Appeal’s function is to hear any grievances or discrepancies of the Village of Haverstraw’s Zoning Code.  The Zoning Board of Appeals is tasked with granting use variances, area variances, as well as the interpretation of the village code.
    • The Architectural Review Board’s function is the task of conserving the value of buildings by preserving the aesthetic character of neighborhoods approving facades and signs.